Abstract: Although
there are many established hypotheses for bipedalism in hominins none
satisfactorily explain the basis for this development but rather propose
different explanations or motives for increasingly sustained periods of bipedal
behavior. The proposition here differs by suggesting an ontogenetic basis for
extended periods of bipedal locomotion. This theory parsimoniously explains the
underlying reason for the establishment of bipedalism by placing this
particular adaptation within the context of the neotenous developmental
trajectory of hominins. It is proposed that neotenous development and the
plasticity this process afforded provided the platform upon which adaptations
of the forelimbs supported increasingly refined manipulation. Natural selection
for the advantages of increased dexterity likely resulted in further
retardation of the hominin lineage by tending toward favouring progressively more neotenous
hands. In parallel, increasingly neotenous feet demanded more sustained periods
of bipedalism which indirectly conferred further self-selective advantages by
freeing the hands for longer periods of time. Morphological evolvability
conferred by neoteny may underlie both the evolution of the human hand and the
subsequent transition toward obligated bipedal locomotion. Ultimately it was
adoption of a bipedal stance which supported the accelerated encephalization
maintained over the course of several million years until the fairly recent
“self-domestication” of our species rapidly reversed this trend.
Keywords: bipedalism;
encephalization; ontogeny; manipulation; neoteny