Apeman to Spaceman in 250,000 years
Professor Brian Cox opened his new BBC Two series by doing a great injustice to our ancestors.
His statement that human development was an "ascent" from our ape roots is both anthropocentric and Euro-centric inferring as it does that humans were somehow "chosen" for this adventure, perhaps by god? Furthermore, it fails to recognise that from a biological perspective the evolution of humans is a process of fetalization or more precisely neoteny in chordates (DeBeer, cited in Bednarik 2011). It implicitly perpetuates the idea that evolution is teleological when it is dysteleological. The biological trajectory of the human species, a process marked most recently by a transition from strong to weak, can more accurately be described as a "descent" from our ape ancestry.
As the BBC web site reveals, Professor Brian Cox presents a new theory, which I shall refer to here as the "Large Brain Hypothesis (LBH)". According to the LBH model, the earth's 400,000 year orbital wobble in combination with the precession and rapidly changing environmental conditions in the African rift valley precipitated punctuated increases in brain volume resulting in the present human condition. The examples the professor provided to illustrate his case were the brain cases of Australopithecus, Homo Erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis and Omo II perhaps unaware that Omo II was a surface find and is certainly not representative of a "modern human" skull having some very robust features. His suggestion of an accelerated development in brain volume coinciding with the events and scenario outlined are simply not supported by the meagre hominin fossil record. Further it fails to account for the average 13% decrease in brain volume from 50,000 years ago to the present day, following a steady course of expansion over a much longer period . If such investment in brain size was so central to our evolution what conditions occurred to cause natural selection to be halted and for the rapid decrease in brain size and 50% reduction in robusticity which followed? Unfortunately LBH provides no answers to this basic question, no surprises.
Instead, Professor Cox parrots the usual Pleistocene archaeological narrative that in just "10,000 generations" we can all trace our ancestry back to one point. That we are "all related to Africans from the Rift Valley". BS. His and my genealogy, as white Europeans, is very unlikely to be traceable to an African ancestry. The genetic data, both Y chromosome and mtDNA suggest that the haplogroups of African and Non-Africans split from a common ancestor of around 160,000 years ago. The origin of this common ancestor is unknown at present (Klyosov 2014).
He pinpoints the "road to civilisation" (from Africa - of course!) beginning at 60,000 years ago although why this date was chosen on this occasion by this professor is unclear citing the forging of Bedouin routes as evidence. No material evidence (for example the obsidian "spearpoints" he makes much ado of) supports this assertion. More critically, cultural evidence which is at odds with the suggestion that these 250,000 year old spear-points are a manifestation of a uniquely African/modern human trait was not presented. For instance, the finely crafted wooden spear from Clacton dated to around 400,000 years old or the javelin-like spears from Schoningen to name two of many more which contradict this mythical narrative.
But more to the point, implying that the human journey to space occurred in a matter of 250,000 years is simply incorrect. The most comparable journey is of course seafaring which probably began over a million years ago but certainly by 840,000 years ago as attested to by the evidence of hominin occupation at the island of Flores amongst others. These journeys, which by all accounts were a much more dangerous and therefore greater step for humankind, occurred without the global resources and expert scientific support that the first journey to the moon benefitted from. The journey to the moon was a precisely calculated exercise that by comparison with the first journeys across the sea was relatively safe (Bednarik 2011). These early journeys may have had failure rates in excess of 50%.
So, as Professor Brian Cox dismisses several million or so years of archaeological evidence of developing culture as irrelevant, he arrives at writing which he proposes was the next "big step" to the moon following spear-points. He suggests that it is at this moment that humans really came into their own. Whilst he may have support in indicating that "writing freed the acquisition of knowledge", contrary to his case, I would counter that the production of exograms (the externalisation of memory traces) was fundamentally more important than writing since it underpins our construction of a "shared" reality and a frame of reference from which volition arises. What he appears to be doing is conflating the culturally accumulated knowledge which allowed for space travel with the conceptual idea of a "modern mind" which empirically does not exist.
"...the behaviour of most present day humans remains moderated by magical thinking-type mental processes (lack of integration between the left prefrontal cortical areas and memory), underwritten by sub-optimal cause and effect perception."
Robert G. Bednarik, An aetiology of hominin behaviour, Homo, 2012
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Saturday, 27 September 2014
The "Aurignacian" and the Humpty Dumptys of Pleistocene archaeology
Amongst a plethora of papers of a similar nature it appears
that in the absence of cultural, genetic or fossil evidence to support either the Out Of Africa
(OOA) or Recent African Origin (RAO) models archaeologists and
palaeoanthropologists are scrambling to find data from elsewhere which supports the idea that 'Neanderthals' were replaced with 'modern humans'. A
pre-publication release from PNAS continues this trend and the mainstream media obediently
take up the baton, for example see http://phys.org/news/2014-09-modern-humans-migrated-austria-years.html
Early modern human settlement of Europe north of the Alps occurred 43,500 years ago in a cold steppe-type environment.
Philip R. Nigst, Paul Haesaerts, Freddy Damblon, Christa Frank-Fellner, Carolina Mallol, Bence Viola, Michael Götzinger, Laura Niven, Gerhard Trnka and Jean-Jacques Hublin.
Quoted below in bold are the Abstract and a shorter summary
titled Significance from PNAS http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/09/16/1412201111.abstract
Modern humans dispersed into Europe and replaced Neanderthals at least
40,000 years ago. However, the precise timing and climatic context of this
dispersal are heavily debated. Therefore, a new project combining
paleoenvironmental and archaeological fieldwork has been undertaken at
Willendorf II (Austria), a key site for this time period. This project has
concluded that modern humans producing Aurignacian stone tools occupied Central
Europe about 43,500 years ago in a medium-cold steppe environment with some
boreal trees along valleys. This discovery represents the oldest
well-documented occurrence of behaviorally modern humans in Europe and
demonstrates contemporaneity with Neanderthals in other parts of Europe,
showing that behaviorally modern humans and Neanderthals shared this region
longer than previously thought.
The first settlement of Europe by modern humans is thought to have
occurred between 50,000 and 40,000 calendar years ago (cal B.P.). In Europe,
modern human remains of this time period are scarce and often are not
associated with archaeology or originate from old excavations with no
contextual information. Hence, the behavior of the first modern humans in
Europe is still unknown. Aurignacian assemblages—demonstrably made by modern
humans—are commonly used as proxies for the presence of fully behaviorally and
anatomically modern humans. The site of Willendorf II (Austria) is well known
for its Early Upper Paleolithic horizons, which are among the oldest in Europe.
However, their age and attribution to the Aurignacian remain an issue of
debate. Here, we show that archaeological horizon 3 (AH 3) consists of faunal
remains and Early Aurignacian lithic artifacts. By using stratigraphic,
paleoenvironmental, and chronological data, AH 3 is ascribed to the onset of
Greenland Interstadial 11, around 43,500 cal B.P., and thus is older than any
other Aurignacian assemblage. Furthermore, the AH 3 assemblage overlaps with
the latest directly radiocarbon-dated Neanderthal remains, suggesting that
Neanderthal and modern human presence overlapped in Europe for some millennia,
possibly at rather close geographical range. Most importantly, for the first
time to our knowledge, we have a high-resolution environmental context for an
Early Aurignacian site in Central Europe, demonstrating an early appearance of
behaviorally modern humans in a medium-cold steppe-type environment with some
boreal trees along valleys around 43,500 cal B.P.”
The definitive statement of the first sentence (1) conflicts with the first line of the abstract (2).
“Modern humans dispersed into Europe and replaced Neanderthals at least
40,000 years ago.” (1)
“The first settlement of Europe by modern humans is thought to have
occurred between 50,000 and 40,000 calendar years ago (cal B.P.).” (2)
The abstract states that the first settlement of Europe by
modern humans is thought to have occurred between two dates whereas (1) states categorically that 'Neanderthals' were replaced by 'modern humans' by 40,000 years ago. The argument by consensus is expanded upon further in the abstract:
“Aurignacian assemblages—demonstrably made by modern humans—are
commonly used as proxies for the presence of fully behaviorally and
anatomically modern humans.”
'Aurignacian' assemblages are not demonstrably made by 'anatomically and behaviourally modern
humans' and herein lies the problem for the paper's authors. Since so-called 'Aurignacian' assemblages have not been
shown to signify the presence of a particular species, or sub-species the
very foundation of the paper's assertion crumbles. That artefacts are used in this context as proxies for cognition, behaviour or anatomy would have been, I suggest, a more productive course of study. By definition no persons living during the Pleistocene were "fully behaviourally modern" since modern cognition can only be assumed to have arisen several centuries ago at most (Bednarik 2012a) and by definition no persons living during the Pleistocene were "fully anatomically modern" since the transition from robust to gracile continues to this day. If, as we are told, 'fully anatomically modern humans' replaced 'Neanderthals', then why do 'Neanderthal' genes and autapomorphies persist in present day humans?
The association of this so-called typology with 'anatomically
modern humans' is painted as if it were a given. Crania from
sites such as Vogelherd, Cro-Magnon and Mladeč are often cited as proof of
'modern humans' association with the 'Aurignacian'.
Vogelherd – The four Stetten specimens once regarded as
evidence of modern humans are now recognised to be later intrusive Neolithic
internments dated to between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago.
Cro-Magnon – This group of fossils is actually quite robust. The pronounced supraorbital torus,
projecting occipital bone of cranium 3 are 'Neanderthal'. Despite this they ended up being the type fossil for all 'anatomically modern humans'. Regardless of their attribution to either classification, direct dating to around 27,000 years ago places the 'Cro-Magnon'
fossils with the 'Gravettian' rather than the 'Aurignacian' industries (Bednarik 2011).
Mladeč – These specimens are not 'fully anatomically modern
humans' and appear to show pronounced sexual dimorphism. Male crania are
characterised by thick projecting supraorbital tori, Neanderthaloid posterior flattening,
low brain cases, and very thick cranial vaults – typically features of robust
not gracile hominins. The Mladeč specimens appear to
represent an intermediate stage between robust and gracile. Their occurrence in a cave in indirect association with a handful of supposedly 'Aurignacian' artefacts found is not at all reliable though (Bednarik 2011).
There is no sudden change reflected in the hominin fossil record that would either support or suggest a replacement of one species by another. What can clearly be ascertained from the available archaeological record is that over a period of tens of thousands of years beginning around 50,000 years ago there was a gradual transition from robust to gracile individuals (Bednarik 2012b).
In terms of artefacts, the term ‘Aurignacian' simply refers to the etic interpretation of a loosely defined transition in stone artefact technology deemed to be of particular importance by archaeologists. It is an observer relative institutionalised fact - an archaeofact - having no independent existence outside of the discipline that coined the term.
The 'Aurignacian' is one of fifteen different locally developing 'cultural' traditions recognised within what is termed the EUP (European Upper Palaeolithic - generally regarded to span a period from about 45,000 to around 27,000 years before present) None of these recognised traditions have a precedent in Africa and nowhere in Europe do stone technologies suddenly appear or replace the pre-existing technology (Bednarik 2013). At Theopetra Cave, Greece, this technological transition was recorded in-situ and in association with 'Neanderthal' footprints of small children. ‘EUP’ industries arise at sites from as early as 54,000 years ago (e.g. Senftenberg), to as late as just 8,000 years ago (e.g. Abric Agut) (Bednarik 2011).
The observed transition presents a mosaic of geographically, technologically and chronologically diverse changes in knapping methods across a large region with a tendency toward miniaturisation and increased blade production, none of which are biological markers, and none of which can be assumed to be cultural or ethnic markers either. Once again then, Nigst et al make the common mistake of conflating technological markers with cultural, biological and behavioural markers.
There is no sudden change reflected in the hominin fossil record that would either support or suggest a replacement of one species by another. What can clearly be ascertained from the available archaeological record is that over a period of tens of thousands of years beginning around 50,000 years ago there was a gradual transition from robust to gracile individuals (Bednarik 2012b).
In terms of artefacts, the term ‘Aurignacian' simply refers to the etic interpretation of a loosely defined transition in stone artefact technology deemed to be of particular importance by archaeologists. It is an observer relative institutionalised fact - an archaeofact - having no independent existence outside of the discipline that coined the term.
The 'Aurignacian' is one of fifteen different locally developing 'cultural' traditions recognised within what is termed the EUP (European Upper Palaeolithic - generally regarded to span a period from about 45,000 to around 27,000 years before present) None of these recognised traditions have a precedent in Africa and nowhere in Europe do stone technologies suddenly appear or replace the pre-existing technology (Bednarik 2013). At Theopetra Cave, Greece, this technological transition was recorded in-situ and in association with 'Neanderthal' footprints of small children. ‘EUP’ industries arise at sites from as early as 54,000 years ago (e.g. Senftenberg), to as late as just 8,000 years ago (e.g. Abric Agut) (Bednarik 2011).
The observed transition presents a mosaic of geographically, technologically and chronologically diverse changes in knapping methods across a large region with a tendency toward miniaturisation and increased blade production, none of which are biological markers, and none of which can be assumed to be cultural or ethnic markers either. Once again then, Nigst et al make the common mistake of conflating technological markers with cultural, biological and behavioural markers.
“In the case of the rejection of symbolic evidence predating the “Aurignacian,” the Humpty Dumptys of Pleistocene archaeology, whose entirely etic terms (of tool types, cultures, traditions, peoples, ethnic groups, etc.) mean whatever they choose them to mean, have collectively fallen off the wall they had erected and sat on for far too long. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot change that the entire replacement hypothesis, particularly the African Eve version, is nothing more than an academic sham. It is bereft of any real substance, was originally based on fake datings of fossils, was then transferred to unsupported genetic claims, sustained by accommodative hypotheses about invented and named tool industries and purported and named cultures, and was presented as a narrative rationalizing racism and genocide. But what is most disturbing about this incredibly naïve notion is that the primary reason for its existence is simply archaeological ignorance.” Bednarik 2011, The Human Condition.
Bednarik, R. G. 2011. The
Human Condition, Developments in Primatology, Progress and Prospects,
Springer, New York.
Bednarik, R. G. 2012a. An aetiology of hominin behaviour. HOMO -
Journal of Comparative Human Biology 63: 319-335.
Bednarik, R. G. 2012b.
The origins of human modernity. Humanities 1(1): 1-53,
Bednarik, R. G. 2013. Creating the human past: an epistemology of Pleistocene archaeology. Archaeopress, Oxford.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
A 5,400 year "overlap" of Neanderthals with Modern Humans
Regarding “The timing
and spatiotemporal patterning of Neanderthal disappearance”.
Tom Higham et al. Nature
512, 306–309 (21 August 2014) doi:10.1038/nature13621
I don’t have access to the full article yet, but judging by
the abstract (bold italic) this is not an issue. My comments are provided in
plain type, I also quote from the supplementary information (italic). The authorship of the Chauvet Cave until recently was widely claimed to be attributable to AMH however this has been extensively refuted in part by the association of the paintings with Neanderthal footprints. The dating of this site alone poses a serious challenge to the hypothesis presented.
"The timing of Neanderthal disappearance and the extent to which they
overlapped with the earliest incoming anatomically modern humans (AMHs) in
Eurasia are key questions in palaeoanthropology."
They are indeed “key” questions for the discipline; however that
it is so, illustrates the depth of the problems facing Palaeoanthropology and
Pleistocene Archaeology. Even establishing the basis of discrete separation
between so-called “AMH” and so-called “Neanderthal” is far from satisfactorily
concluded. Such a distinction, made subjectively, on the grounds of morphology
alone, is an unstable orthodoxy (Thompson 2014), more so given that species are
more commonly separated on a biological basis – the ability to interbreed. Apparently
it has not occurred to the referees that the authors most basic assumptions are
observer-relative institutionalised facts having no independent existence
outside of the discipline and questionable worth with regard to the past that
they attempt to describe. Further, a “Neanderthal” disappearance has not been
proven, indeed the opposite appears to be the case. It has now been amply
demonstrated that “Neanderthal” genes and autapomorphies persist to the present
day. This presents a big problem for the discipline because until recently it
has largely subscribed to the theory that AMH developed out of Africa unable to
interbreed with their contemporaries which is clearly no longer a sustainable
position. All models of a reticular gene flow are in fundamental agreement with
Weidenreich’s original trellis diagram of 1946 and are therefore multi-regional
(Bednarik 2011).
The original
“replacement theory” has now been replaced with a new “replacement theory”; the
“idea” that AMH replaced the resident population, “albeit with some interbreeding”.
This is the idea that the paper reviewed here appears to seek to prove and
since the referees are likely to also subscribe to the consensus view this
unscientific approach has not been challenged. The very premise of the paper is
false and unscientific since it sets out to prove rather than test. Genetic
analysis suggests that “Neanderthal” genes persist in Europeans, Asians and
Papuans but not Africans (Green et al 2010, Gibbons 2010). Klyosov (2014) demonstrates
that the genetic data only shows that the Non-African and African haplogroups
had a common ancestor 160,000 years ago. In other words it appears that it is
precisely Africans that had the least contact with Europeans. Countless palaeoanthropologists,
archaeologists and geneticists are either misunderstanding or deliberately misrepresenting
the genetic data, in a series of publications essentially regurgitating the now
thoroughly discredited work described in the 1987 Cann et al paper which also
appeared in… Nature! For instance, the Cann team made the unsubstantiated and thoroughly
mistaken assumption that genetic diversity equated to ancestory. (See also my
first blog post for more criticism of the Cann paper in “Where
did modern humans come from”). To
add insult to injury, a follow up paper by several of the Cann team (but absent
Cann) whilst recognising many of the weakness of the original paper, still got
it wrong. According to Klyosov:
“This is again a repetition of the common
fundamental mistake by the proponents of the OOA concept, that if one
population is more ancient then the other, the first must be an ancestral with
respect to the second one. My uncle is older than me, but he is not my
As he explains, later migrations into Africa (3,000 years
ago and less) deal further irrecoverable blows to the Cann paper:
“Did they add to the “genetic
diversity” in Africa? Sure they did. Furthermore, they migrated to the
Sub-Saharan region, where Cann et al. (1987) sampled mtDNA and found a “high
genetic diversity.””
Oh dear.
One of the key reasons that the OOA theory gained such
popular support (putting aside for a moment the reference to the bible) was the
idea that it underpinned the concept of a single humanity. However, as Bednarik
and Kuckenburg noted it does so with frightening implications (Bednarik 2011).
At best this “triumph” would have come at a terrible cost to other humans and
at worst it endorses competition to the point of extinction carrying with it the
potential to rationalise genocide. The “Leaky replacement” theory whilst
conceding that there was some “gene flow” still implies that “anatomically
modern humans” out competed Neanderthals to the point of extinction.
"Determining the spatiotemporal relationship between the two populations
is crucial if we are to understand the processes, timing and reasons leading to
the disappearance of Neanderthals and the likelihood of cultural and genetic
Had Professor Higham et al applied taphonomic logic here
they soon would have realised their fundamental error. The archaeological
“pattern” of evidence is nothing more than a reflection of environmental
degradation, research biases, random uncontrolled chance findings, etc., and
should NOT be assumed to be representative of any “real” pattern. Even if
Higham et al were able to correctly identify the emic properties of remnant
artefacts which would allow them to confidently ascribe them to separate ethnic
cultures, any “overlap” identified is meaningless.
Assuming that there were two distinct or discrete
populations how would Higham et al be able to tell them apart from their
respective archaeological signatures? They use technological indices and
conflate these designations not only with distinct ethnic cultures, but
remarkably biological separation.
The caveat underpinning the paper is revealed in the
supplementary information:
“The majority of
specialists agree that the European Mousterian technocomplex was probably
produced by Neanderthals. In other parts of Eurasia this association is also
accepted, although the link remains to be proven, since it is known that AMHs
and Neanderthals produced similar Mousterian lithic tools in the Near East
prior to the initial Upper Palaeolithic. This is unsurprising given the Middle
Stone Age record in Africa. For the purpose of this paper, however, we have
assumed that Neanderthals produced Mousterian industries.”
Incredibly then according to their own conclusions the
authorship of “Mousterian” artefacts from Mount Carmel alone undermines their fundamental
assumption: that is, the key finding of the paper is made worthless! The authors have done nothing to demonstrate “the
disappearance of Neanderthals” but rather performed some dating of Palaeolithic
sites across Europe.
With regard to the “likelihood of genetic exchange”, it is
noteworthy that Higham and colleagues fail to propose a parsimonious scenario
which would account for the extent of preservation of “Neanderthal” DNA and autapomorphies
in present day humans.
“Serious technical challenges, however, have hindered reliable dating
of the period, as the radiocarbon method reaches its limit at ~50,000 years ago.
Here we apply improved accelerator mass spectrometry 14C techniques to
construct robust chronologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal
archaeological sites, ranging from Russia to Spain. Bayesian age modelling was
used to generate probability distribution functions to determine the latest
appearance date. We show that the Mousterian ended by 41,030–39,260 calibrated
years bp (at 95.4% probability) across Europe.”
Let’s rephrase that, Higham et al show that for the narrow range of sites
sampled those attributed to the “Mousterian” are mostly dated to before 40,000 years ago and those commonly not attributed to this typology are mostly dated to after about
40,000 years ago. That’s to say they have measured the probability that
institutionalised researchers can conformably identify stone artefacts
according to the preferred unstable orthodoxy of constructed typological
“We also demonstrate that
succeeding ‘transitional’ archaeological industries, one of which has been
linked with Neanderthals (Châtelperronian)4, end at a similar time.”
‘EUP’ industries arise at sites throughout Europe (Bednarik
2011) ranging from 54,000 years ago (e.g. Senftenberg) to as recently as 8,000
years ago (e.g. Abric Agut). This technological transition, observed in cases
in-situ (for example at Theopetra Cave, Greece, in association with
“Neanderthal” footprints of small children) can be seen as a mosaic of geographically
and chronologically diverse change in knapping methods across the region
tending toward miniaturisation and increased blade production – hardly
biological markers!
“Our data indicate that the disappearance of Neanderthals occurred at
different times in different regions. Comparing the data with results obtained
from the earliest dated AMH sites in Europe, associated with the Uluzzian
technocomplex, allows us to quantify the temporal overlap between the two human
groups. The results reveal a significant overlap of 2,600–5,400 years (at 95.4%
Regrettably for Higham and the team their subjective
interpretations of data as technological markers does not imply either the
disappearance of “Neanderthals” or indicate the arrival of “AMH” in Europe at
different times in different regions They simply perpetuate the litho-centric
interpretations and narratives of the mainstream Pleistocene Archaeological
paradigm by finding “patterns” in data which support their view. In doing so,
Higham and colleagues have had to ignore all fossil evidence which does not
support the contention that AMH and Neanderthals are a single contiguous
species which have transitioned from robust to gracile (i.e. domestication
theory, Bednarik 2011). More critically, they have succeeded in demonstrating
that taphonomic logic has not been applied.
“This has important implications for models seeking to explain the
cultural, technological and biological elements involved in the replacement of
Neanderthals by AMHs. A mosaic of populations in Europe during the Middle to
Upper Palaeolithic transition suggests that there was ample time for the
transmission of cultural and symbolic behaviours, as well as possible genetic
exchanges, between the two groups.”
A mosaic of features in fossil skeletons, morphological
transitions from robust to gracile are parsimoniously explained with recourse
to the biological data which indicate neoteny or foetalisation occurring at an
unprecedented rate in the course of hominin history (Bednarik 2011).
By talking about “possible genetic exchanges” Higham et al
indicate that they do not understand the implication of the current genetic
evidence which shows continuity between “Neanderthals” and so-called “modern
humans” living in Europe and Asia and clearly shows a common ancestor for both
Africans and Non-Africans (Kylosov 2014).
The cultural evidence has never supported the idea that
“AMH” arrived in Europe with “modern cognition”. Only the bias filtering of the archaeological
evidence practiced over the last few decades has allowed for the conditions in
which a distorted interpretation of the past has been sustained in academe
(Bednarik 2011, Thompson 2014). All the
indications are that this practice continues unabated in influential journals
such as Nature. That Higham and colleagues can arrive at such a precise calculation for the perceived "overlap" of two archaeo-facts illustrates the depth of the problems facing Pleistocene Archaeology.
Bednarik, R. G. 2011. The
Human Condition, Developments in Primatology, Progress and Prospects,
Springer, New York.
Cann, R. L., M. Stoneking and A. C. Wilson 1987,
Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution. Nature
325: 31-36.
Green et al 2010, cited in Bednarik 2011.
Gibbons 2010, cited in Bednarik 2011.
Higham et al 2014. Supplementary Information, Nature. doi:10.1038/nature13621
Klyosov, A. A. 2014. Reconsideration of the “Out of Africa”
Concept as Not Having Enough Proof. Advances
in Anthropology 4(1): 18-37.
Thompson J. R. 2014, Archaic modernity vs the High
Priesthood: on the nature of unstable archaeological/palaeoanthropological
orthodoxies. Rock Art Research 31(2):
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Rabbits, neoteny and “modern humans”
"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit.
"No," said Pooh
humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just
that something happened to it along the way."
I was looking for a tenuous link to rabbits and happened
upon this quote from Pooh, apparently describing the course of Pleistocene
Rabbits featured in the news recently but anthropologists
and archaeologists may have missed the relevance.
Science Daily announced:
“An international team of scientists has now made a breakthrough by
showing that many genes controlling the development of the brain and the
nervous system were particularly important for rabbit domestication. The study
is published today in Science and gives answers to many genetic questions.”
The domestication of rabbits took place fairly recently,
purportedly in the last 1,400 years. This has made the task of unravelling the genetic
changes that took place less complex than for other animals domesticated much
earlier, for instance, humans.
“We predict that a similar process has occurred in other domestic
animals and that we will not find a few specific "domestication
genes" that were critical for domestication. It is very likely that a
similar diversity of gene variants affecting the brain and the nervous system
occurs in the human population and that contributes to differences in
personality and behaviour, says Leif Andersson”.
Indeed, 50,000 years of domestication brought about major changes
that are observed in the hominin fossil record, many of which were deleterious
and contrary to natural selection. Only sexual selection can trump natural
selection and therefore if the discipline of Pleistocene Archaeology is sincere
in its’ quest to unravel the early history of “modern humans” it desperately
needs to acknowledge that the “Leaky replacement theory”, “Mostly Out of Africa”
and other such models fail to address those changes which are most central to
the current “human condition” (Bednarik 2011). Culturally determined sexual
selection was ultimately responsible for the rapid decrease in brain volume (37
times that of the previous expansion over the course of millions of years) and
50% reduction in robusticity. These are just two of the traits which are frequently
observed in the domestication of animals.
“The study also revealed which
genes had been altered during domestication. The researchers were amazed by the
strong enrichment of genes involved in the development of the brain and the
nervous system, among the genes particularly targeted during domestication.”
Considered in the context of human domestication this makes perfect
sense of “brain re-organisation” especially when the selection is moderated by
culturally determined significance. Indeed this process of selection for
culturally perceived values continues to the present day and reflects many
different pressures and influences including dominance and compliance.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Where did "modern humans" come from?
Mostly Out Of Africa,
or mostly making it up as we go along…
Where did modern humans come from? A frequent question, the lead response to which that Google users are referred towards is from the National History Museum web site. So directed,
readers will learn that:
“The latest genetic evidence is putting an intriguing twist on current
thinking about how our species evolved. While an increasing wealth of data
supports a recent African origin, new studies suggest that when Homo sapiens
left Africa, rather than simply replacing archaic human species such as
Neanderthals in other parts of the world, they interbred with some of them.”
Recent African Origin
Let us examine some of the “evidence” offered up in support
of the standard dogma regarding “modern human” origins.
“The Recent African Origin model was given a huge boost in 1987, when a
paper published in the scientific journal Nature, Mitochondrial DNA and Human
Evolution, rocked the palaeoanthropology world. It showed that part of our
genome, inherited only through mothers and daughters, derived from an African
ancestor about 200,000 years ago. This female ancestor became known as
Mitochondrial Eve.”
Whilst no reference is supplied for the 1987 paper it is
probably safe to conclude that it refers to the work of Cann et al (1987). Alluding
to the significant resistance generated in response to the Nature paper the
Natural History Museum does not report that the results were flawed from start
to finish but rather that the results reported supported their in-house “expert”
Chris Stringer and “others”.
“Although the paper was contested, the results strongly supported the
views that the Natural History Museum’s human origins expert Chris Stringer and
others had been developing that we had a recent African origin.”
In fact, at that point Stringer was still peddling the older
Out Of Africa (OOA) model which insisted upon a replacement of all hominins by “modern
humans” out of Africa. No mention is made of the false datings created by
Protsch which were in no small part the basis of this theory which was
questionable even then given the existing evidence.
Contrary to the claim of the article the data did not show
that part of our genome derived from an African ancestor about 200,000 years
ago, although this was the authors’ interpretation. For example, Maddison
(1991) demonstrated that a reanalysis of the data could produce 10,000 haplotype trees that were more parsimonious
than the one selected by Cann et al in 1987. Not only this, but the more
likely candidates tended to have basal
branches that were non-African.
Further, Dr. Alan Templeton, who designed the program used
by Cann et al to produce the erroneous results, soon pointed out that the same
data could have produced 10267 alternative and equally credible haplotype trees (by comparison there are 1070
elementary particles in the universe) (Bednarik 2011).
Whether by design or by error Cann et al also miscalculated the
results by over-estimating the genetic diversity of Africans compared to
Europeans and Asians: thereby skewing
the results in favour of an African origin.
As if these errors were not bad enough, Cann et al made a fundamental
mistake. They conflated genetic diversity with more ancient origins for which
there is no evidence (Klyosov 2014).
“In the following decade, more genetic data both from recent human
people and Neanderthal fossils were collected supporting the Recent African
Origin model. The idea gained momentum and with it the view that when modern
humans began to leave Africa around 60,000 years ago they largely or entirely
replaced other archaic human species outside the continent.”
At least here the Natural History Museum report accurately
what happened. “…data… …were collected supporting
the Recent African Origin model”. Science
however does not work by collecting data to support a theory. Science works
when it attempts to refute hypotheses, by collecting data that challenges a
theory (refutation) which was amounting in the background. Pleistocene Archaeology
historically works by suppressing data that challenges the dominant narrative
and in this instance the behaviour of the discipline was not an exception to
the rule. It is no exaggeration to conclude that the “idea” that modern humans
originate from Africa around 60,000 years ago caught on, precisely because it
was not rigorously tested in any of the leading journals. Any challenges to the
dominating narrative are ignored, ridiculed or marginalised.
Amongst the most vociferous promoters of the African Origin theory
was Chris Stringer and he subsequently presented the theory as fact, as did
many of the “others”. Consequently the mainstream media dutifully echoed the conclusions
of the High Priesthood of Archaeology regarding “modern human” origins and the
gullible masses followed suit consuming and imbedding another factoid into
their belief systems.
It is worth pausing here for a moment to consider where the
figure of 60,000 years springs from? Your guess is as good as mine. Various unsupported
dates were touted in support of a migration from Africa replacing the extant
population of Europe, e.g.;
“50 thousand years ago” (Jobling
& Tyler-Smith, 2003). “50 thousand years ago” (Thomson et al, 2000). “50 -
60 thousand years ago” (Shi et al., 2010). “50 - 60 thousand years ago”
(Mellars, 2011). “50 - 70 thousand years ago” (Hudjasov et al., 2007). “50 - 70
thousand years ago” (Stoneking & Delfin, 2010). “60 thousand years ago” (Li
& Durbin, 2011). “60 thousand years ago” (Henn et al., 2011). “60 thousand
years ago” (Wei et al., 2013). “60 - 70 thousand years ago” (Ottoni et al.,
2010). “60 - 80 thousand years ago” (Forster, 2004). “54 ± 8 thousand years
ago” (Forster et al., 2001). “60 thousand years ago” (Stewart & Stringer,
2012). “45 - 50 thousand years ago” (Fernandes et al., 2012). “50 - 65 thousand
years ago” (Behar et al., 2008). “50 - 60 thousand years ago” (Cann, 2013). “60
thousand years ago” (Chiaroni et al., 2009). “50 - 75 thousand years ago”
(Patin et al., 2009). “50 thousand years ago” (Edmonds et al., 2004). “45
thousand years ago” (Moorjani et al., 2011). “50 - 70 thousand years ago” (Xue
et al., 2005). “70 - 80 thousand years ago” (Majumder, 2010). “40 thousand
years ago” (Campbell & Tishkoff, 2010). “50 thousand years ago” (Poznik et
al., 2013). “60 thousand years ago” (Rito et al., 2013). “55 - 70 thousand
years ago” (Soares et al., 2009). “between 40 and 70 thousand years ago” (Sahoo
et al., 2006). “between 35 and 89 thousand years ago” (Underhill et al., 2000).
“between 80 and 50 thousand years ago” (Yotova et al., 2011). “between 50 and
100 thousand years ago” (Hublin, 2011). “between 27 - 53 and 58 - 112 thousand
years ago” (Carrigan & Hammer, 2006). “70 - 60 thousand years ago” (Curnoe
et al., 2012). “~110 thousand years ago” (Francalacci et al., 2013). “200
thousand years ago” (Hayden, 2013).” List from Klyosov (2014).
Somewhere along the line a figure of “around 60-80,000 years
ago” appears to have been settled on by consent. Another grand example of the
scientific precision applied by Pleistocene Archaeology in its’ attempts to describe
the human past by moderating popular opinion.
The Multiregional Model is described only briefly with
little enthusiasm whereas the Assimilation Model (which is really nothing more
than another attempt to salvage OOA) is implicitly given more credence, even
going to the extent of highlighting certain text:
“Another group of scientists embraced a third theory – the Assimilation
model. Like the recent African origin model, this gave Africa a key role as the place where modern human features
evolved, but it imagined a much more gradual spread of those features.”
Under the title “New insights from DNA evidence” it is
explained that “Neanderthal” DNA is present in present day Europeans, however,
what is not explained is that this refuted the original Out Of Africa theory
which demanded that these Africans were unable to interbreed with all other
contemporary hominins. The same of course goes for the evidence of “Denisovan”
Recent Out Of Africa, by conceding that “modern humans”
interbreed with “Neanderthals” and indeed “Denisovans” is essentially in accordance
with Weidenreichs original trellis diagram of 1947 which is… multiregional.
The page concludes by stating:
“The Neanderthal and Denisovan genetic studies have given our
understanding of our ancient past an exciting twist. Both indicate that modern
humans did not completely replace other human species, as had once been
suggested. Instead there was some interbreeding. This model has become known as
replacement-hybridisation, ‘leaky replacement’, or ‘mostly out of Africa’.”
Since Stringer (and others) have painted themselves into a
corner by stating such things as “we now know” that “modern humans” originated
from Africa it is critical that the final point should be made that this is NOT
a scenario the genetic data supports. Klyosov (2014) demonstrates that (see Figure 4, my
“The tree shows the α-haplogroup, which is apparently equivalent to
haplogroup A1b in the current nomenclature, and is ancestral to both the African and non-African haplogroups
(its common ancestor lived 160,000 ± 12,000 ya), and the β-haplogroup, which is
equivalent to haplogroup BT in the current classification (its common ancestor
lived 64,000 ± 6000 ya).”
The genetic data therefore shows only that Non-Africans and
Africans descend from a common ancestor at approximately 160,000 years ago. Any other interpretation is mostly
making it up as we go along.
Bednarik, R. G. 2011. The
Human Condition, Developments in Primatology, Progress and Prospects,
Springer, New York.
Cann, R. L., M. Stoneking and A. C. Wilson 1987,
Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution. Nature
325: 31-36.
Klyosov, A. A. 2014. Reconsideration of the “Out of Africa”
Concept as Not Having Enough Proof. Advances
in Anthropology 4(1): 18-37.
Maddison, D. R. 1991. African origin of human MtDNA
re-examined. Systematic Zoology 40:
Saturday, 3 May 2014
The Modern Human Superiority Complex
Neandertal Demise: An Archaeological Analysis of the Modern
Human Superiority Complex by Paola Villa and Wil Roebroeks published recently
in PlosOne represents an extraordinary feat of accomplishment by relinquishing
the argument that a cognitive advantage previously held to characterise the
quintessential difference between Homo sapien sapiens and Homo sapien
neanderthalis can be observed from the truncated archaeological record. They do
this in a manner which ensures that the fundamental premises of the Out of
Africa replacement hypothesis are not challenged and neatly conclude that what
they perceive as the demise of Neanderthals was “more complex” than previously
This demise or disappearance perceived in the archaeological
record is pinned down by Villa and Roebroeks to a period “between approximately
45 and 35 thousand years ago”. The references provided in support of this particular
assertion include Douka et al (2013) which concerns only the chronology of Ksar
Akil, Lebanon, and the Zilhao piece on issues with dates, taxonomy and cultural
associations in supposed Neanderthal-Modern human contact neither of which
identify a clear or convincing picture of Neanderthal extinction or
disappearance. They further state that in western Eurasia Middle Palaeolithic
technologies associated with archaic populations (Neanderthals) are replaced by
a population of “modern humans (Homo sapiens) with Upper Palaeolithic
technologies. The first reference cited in support of this claim is Higham et
al (2011) which only refers to the earliest inferred examples of evidence for
“anatomically modern humans” (AMH) in northwestern Europe. This is based on the
circular assumption that the scant evidence of etic stone tool artefact types
found are diagnostic of "AMH". Likewise Higham et al (2012) only
tests the dates at one site within a narrow context concerning art and music.
Even combined, all three references referred to do not persuasively support the
aforementioned claim that there was a replacement of technologies and/or
populations during the time frame quoted. No evidence disputing this supposed
replacement of technologies and/or populations is considered although of course
there exists plenty.
Contrary to the authors assertions, the study of the “transition”
process in Eurasia does not integrate the data coherently across a wide range
of disciplines or at least not according to the dominant narrative of the
replacement hypothesis and hence partially explains the reason for publishing
their own paper in an attempt to salvage some credibility. Amongst the
shortcomings of this mythical-like narrative are the key failures to;
Account for the reduction in
brain size observed occurring during this period at a rate 37 times that of the
previous encephalization,
Provide any evidence of a direct
replacement of technology ,
Account for in-situ development
from Mode 3 to 4,
Reconcile dates which do not
accord with this model, (e.g. Mode 4 developing in some areas as early as
54,000 years ago and in others as late as 8,000 years ago)
Or likewise explain away the
abundance of evidence for art, culture and technology that preceed and
therefore do not accord with this model.
In case there is any doubt, Villa and Roebroeks have
clarified that the wide acceptance of the genetic argument is largely on the
basis of the botched work of Cann et al which was refuted soon after it was
first published. Of course they fail to mention any of the major problems with
the genetic model put forward. This “genetic evidence” was they claim, later
supported by fossils which showed that African were “far more modern looking”
than their Neanderthal counterparts.
Omo Kibish 1 and the Herto skulls are cited as evidence of
this perceived but ill-defined “early modern human morphology” emerging in East
Africa 195 kya.
The Omo Kibish fossils offer
some modern features, but also substantially archaic ones too, especially Omo 2
which is very robust. The dating is insecure, the latter a surface find.
The Herto skull (BOU-VP-16/1) is
outside the range of all recent humans in several cranial measurements and is
essentially archaic also.
Whilst on the one hand it may seem reasonable to suggest
that some characteristics of “modern human morphology” (whatever that may be)
are visible in these fossils such a claim fails to address the more important
and fundamental criticisms that these characteristics are juvenile ancestral
traits, and conversely, also fails to account for supposedly “Neanderthal”
traits persisting in present day humans. More specifically Villa and Roebroeks
do not demonstrate any sharp morphological or genetic separation between the
gracile Homo sapiens and the robust Neanderthals as is required to support the
replacement hypothesis.
By implication recognising that archaeologists “began
looking for modern behavioural markers” at African sites (to confirm their
pre-established belief systems?) Villa and Roebroeks proceed to test the
evidence of this exercise in confirmation bias within the boundaries of a
framework that does not challenge the core hypothesis of the OOA replacement
model as they openly acknowledge.
Transitional industries and indeed any evidence (such as
in-situ development from Mode 3 to 4) which counters the underlying premise of
this poorly defined and dated replacement is specifically avoided on the
grounds that it does not support the hypothesis - this appears remarkable in a
peer-reviewed journal such as PlosOne. Likewise Châtelperronian dating
conflicting with this narrative is also rejected on the same basis. The full
implications of taphonomic logic have not been considered and it appears that
Roebroeks and Villa make the common mistake of assuming that the earliest
evidence is evidence of the earliest occurrence whilst compounding their errors
by referring to a very limited set of data concerning the aetiology of hominin
The body of the work therefore is based on the futile task
of disproving the claim that the relatively few “modern behavioural markers”
perceived to exist in support of a qualitative cognitive difference exemplified
in the elusive “anatomically modern humans” were valid when it was perfectly
apparent all along to anyone studying the epistemology of Pleistocene
archaeology and particularly Palaeoart that examples to the contrary abounded.
With observations such as “no clear archaeological signature” the paper’s
authors offer excuses referring to new data some of which is already more than
twelve years old and of which represents only a fraction of the evidence which
has refuted this claim for many more years such as seafaring in Wallacea, etc.
Tellingly they refer to the “impossible coincidence” that
what they still perceive to be a period of stasis spanning 300,000 years and
including the use of hafting, personal ornaments, etc., is described as “rather
monotonous” (despite the broad range of the Neanderthal “repertoire” acknowledged)
was apparently interrupted by the arrival of AMH of which they can provide no
clear evidence either in the fossil, genetic, stone-tool or cultural record.
This paper has a narrow frame of reference which renders it
largely redundant in the wider context of Pleistocene archaeology. In fact, it
was refuted before it was published.
This blog first appeared on www.palaeoart.com 03/05/2014
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Why are we not all logical when it concerns multiregionalism?
The evidence as set forth by Chris Stringer (2014) in his
opinion article in the journal Cell “Why we are not all multiregionalists now” makes little sense.
Consider the second sentence of the first paragraph.
“The fact that small portions of the DNA of recent Homo sapiens derive
from ancient populations in more than one region of the world makes our origins
‘multiregional’, but does that mean that the multiregional model of modern
human origins has been proved correct?”
By recognising that the evidence supports a multiregional
origin Stringer implicitly contradicts the title of his own piece. This is
nonsensical and he proceeds to provide a humpty dumpty argument in favour of
his “personal thoughts” about whether or not multiregionalism has been proven
correct when what science demands is refutation. Multiregionalism does not
imply unconstrained interbreeding but recognises that it occurs. Any model
involving reticular introgression is essentially in accordance with
Weidenreich’s 1946 “trellis” model of polycentric human evolution (Bednarik
2011). The “personal view” put forward seems hardly relevant in the context of
the biological definition of distinct species. It relies on a perceived
morphological separation between ancient hominin fossils and so-called modern
humans. Stringer presents this idea by hypothetically juxtaposing archaic
characteristics with modern, suggesting this would result in simultaneously
opposed features. Indeed this ignores completely the abundant fossil evidence
presenting a mosaic of archaic and modern features (Bednarik 2011).
Foetalization (neoteny) and self-domestication as advanced by Bednarik (2011)
are not addressed providing as they do the only coherent explanation for the
rapid gracilisation evident in the fossil record occurring as it did at
approximately the same time in all four continents. A period which saw brain
volume decrease at a rate 37 times that of the previous expansion observed
throughout the latter part of the Pleistocene at a time (between 50-30,000
years ago) when brains size was supposedly at a premium (Bednarik 2014).
Stringer attempts to ridicule Bednarik’s suggestion that Out
of Africa models were formulated on the basis of a hoax by quoting a 1975 paper
by Protsch instead of the original hypothesis of 1973 cited by Bednarik (2011).
Bednarik notes that it was Brauer who “recycled” the ideas and fake data of
Protsch in 1984 by using these and other unsound and since refuted information.
It was Brauer’s work which according to Bednarik inspired the “replacement
hypothesis” later dubbed the African Eve theory by the media. And it was the
replacement model or Eve theory that Stringer so actively promoted. Critically
this model categorically excludes the possibility of any genetic contribution
from robusts (archaics) once these “moderns” had arisen. In other words, the
claim that these “African ancestors” were incapable of interbreeding with
contemporaneous hominins was central to the specific ‘version’ of OA Chris
Stringer promoted across the mass media and now firmly entrenched in the
Anglo-American Pleistocene archaeological narrative. Stringer fails to address
why these false datings were not picked up earlier by either himself or his
colleagues, especially when as Bednarik (2011) reminds us, that concerning the
Stetten specimens from Vogelherd “…it had always been perfectly transparent
that they were much younger deriving from intrusive Neolithic interments”.
Fundamental errors, such as drawing inference from direct
comparisons between the genes of present day humans and ancient humans living
20-30,000 years ago, escape discussion. Yet it is clear that neither could
interbreed because they did not exist at the same time. We now have
confirmation that there was no biological barrier and this is exactly what the
Eve theory could not tolerate. Further inference is made to perceived
behavioural gaps in the archaeological record between perceived groups of
archaic hominins which pays no heed at all to taphonomic logic nor accumulating
evidence that there was never a “replacement” as demanded by Eve theory. The
Aurgnacian has now been demonstrated to be directly associated with
Neanderthals (Bednarik 2011) but it seems Stringer may be one of the last to
comprehend the full ramifications and extent to which the dominant Pleistocene
archaeological narrative he has been spearheading has lead the Anglo-American
school so far astray.
Ultimately Stringer makes another stab in the dark to
salvage the genetic argument by making an un referenced claim that several
thousand genetic mutations fixed in present populations are further evidence of
modern human’s uniqueness rather than accept the most parsimonious explanation
that culturally determined sexual selection guaranteed the survival of these
and other maladaptive mutations contrary to natural selection. There is no
refutation to the detailed examinations of many of these deleterious mutations
and their often very recent aetiology in the history of the human species as
put forward by Bednarik (2011, 2012).
One of the key issues is the failure of Stringer to
recognise that the hominin fossil record cannot be considered to be
representative of population sizes or distribution and therefore it should come
as no surprise to learn that he concludes the piece by surmising that in the
“big picture” we are predominantly of Recent African Origin, a position he has
in many ways ungracefully cornered himself into.
Bednarik, R. G., 2008. The Mythical Moderns. Journal of
World Prehistory: 1-18.
Bednarik, R. G., 2011. The Human Condition, Springer, New
Bednarik, R. G., 2012. Aeitology of Hominin behaviour,
HOMO—Journal of Comparative Human Biology 63: 319-335.
Bednarik, R. G. 2014. Exograms, Rock Art Research 31(1):
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