Neandertal Demise: An Archaeological Analysis of the Modern
Human Superiority Complex by Paola Villa and Wil Roebroeks published recently
in PlosOne represents an extraordinary feat of accomplishment by relinquishing
the argument that a cognitive advantage previously held to characterise the
quintessential difference between Homo sapien sapiens and Homo sapien
neanderthalis can be observed from the truncated archaeological record. They do
this in a manner which ensures that the fundamental premises of the Out of
Africa replacement hypothesis are not challenged and neatly conclude that what
they perceive as the demise of Neanderthals was “more complex” than previously
This demise or disappearance perceived in the archaeological
record is pinned down by Villa and Roebroeks to a period “between approximately
45 and 35 thousand years ago”. The references provided in support of this particular
assertion include Douka et al (2013) which concerns only the chronology of Ksar
Akil, Lebanon, and the Zilhao piece on issues with dates, taxonomy and cultural
associations in supposed Neanderthal-Modern human contact neither of which
identify a clear or convincing picture of Neanderthal extinction or
disappearance. They further state that in western Eurasia Middle Palaeolithic
technologies associated with archaic populations (Neanderthals) are replaced by
a population of “modern humans (Homo sapiens) with Upper Palaeolithic
technologies. The first reference cited in support of this claim is Higham et
al (2011) which only refers to the earliest inferred examples of evidence for
“anatomically modern humans” (AMH) in northwestern Europe. This is based on the
circular assumption that the scant evidence of etic stone tool artefact types
found are diagnostic of "AMH". Likewise Higham et al (2012) only
tests the dates at one site within a narrow context concerning art and music.
Even combined, all three references referred to do not persuasively support the
aforementioned claim that there was a replacement of technologies and/or
populations during the time frame quoted. No evidence disputing this supposed
replacement of technologies and/or populations is considered although of course
there exists plenty.
Contrary to the authors assertions, the study of the “transition”
process in Eurasia does not integrate the data coherently across a wide range
of disciplines or at least not according to the dominant narrative of the
replacement hypothesis and hence partially explains the reason for publishing
their own paper in an attempt to salvage some credibility. Amongst the
shortcomings of this mythical-like narrative are the key failures to;
Account for the reduction in
brain size observed occurring during this period at a rate 37 times that of the
previous encephalization,
Provide any evidence of a direct
replacement of technology ,
Account for in-situ development
from Mode 3 to 4,
Reconcile dates which do not
accord with this model, (e.g. Mode 4 developing in some areas as early as
54,000 years ago and in others as late as 8,000 years ago)
Or likewise explain away the
abundance of evidence for art, culture and technology that preceed and
therefore do not accord with this model.
In case there is any doubt, Villa and Roebroeks have
clarified that the wide acceptance of the genetic argument is largely on the
basis of the botched work of Cann et al which was refuted soon after it was
first published. Of course they fail to mention any of the major problems with
the genetic model put forward. This “genetic evidence” was they claim, later
supported by fossils which showed that African were “far more modern looking”
than their Neanderthal counterparts.
Omo Kibish 1 and the Herto skulls are cited as evidence of
this perceived but ill-defined “early modern human morphology” emerging in East
Africa 195 kya.
The Omo Kibish fossils offer
some modern features, but also substantially archaic ones too, especially Omo 2
which is very robust. The dating is insecure, the latter a surface find.
The Herto skull (BOU-VP-16/1) is
outside the range of all recent humans in several cranial measurements and is
essentially archaic also.
Whilst on the one hand it may seem reasonable to suggest
that some characteristics of “modern human morphology” (whatever that may be)
are visible in these fossils such a claim fails to address the more important
and fundamental criticisms that these characteristics are juvenile ancestral
traits, and conversely, also fails to account for supposedly “Neanderthal”
traits persisting in present day humans. More specifically Villa and Roebroeks
do not demonstrate any sharp morphological or genetic separation between the
gracile Homo sapiens and the robust Neanderthals as is required to support the
replacement hypothesis.
By implication recognising that archaeologists “began
looking for modern behavioural markers” at African sites (to confirm their
pre-established belief systems?) Villa and Roebroeks proceed to test the
evidence of this exercise in confirmation bias within the boundaries of a
framework that does not challenge the core hypothesis of the OOA replacement
model as they openly acknowledge.
Transitional industries and indeed any evidence (such as
in-situ development from Mode 3 to 4) which counters the underlying premise of
this poorly defined and dated replacement is specifically avoided on the
grounds that it does not support the hypothesis - this appears remarkable in a
peer-reviewed journal such as PlosOne. Likewise Châtelperronian dating
conflicting with this narrative is also rejected on the same basis. The full
implications of taphonomic logic have not been considered and it appears that
Roebroeks and Villa make the common mistake of assuming that the earliest
evidence is evidence of the earliest occurrence whilst compounding their errors
by referring to a very limited set of data concerning the aetiology of hominin
The body of the work therefore is based on the futile task
of disproving the claim that the relatively few “modern behavioural markers”
perceived to exist in support of a qualitative cognitive difference exemplified
in the elusive “anatomically modern humans” were valid when it was perfectly
apparent all along to anyone studying the epistemology of Pleistocene
archaeology and particularly Palaeoart that examples to the contrary abounded.
With observations such as “no clear archaeological signature” the paper’s
authors offer excuses referring to new data some of which is already more than
twelve years old and of which represents only a fraction of the evidence which
has refuted this claim for many more years such as seafaring in Wallacea, etc.
Tellingly they refer to the “impossible coincidence” that
what they still perceive to be a period of stasis spanning 300,000 years and
including the use of hafting, personal ornaments, etc., is described as “rather
monotonous” (despite the broad range of the Neanderthal “repertoire” acknowledged)
was apparently interrupted by the arrival of AMH of which they can provide no
clear evidence either in the fossil, genetic, stone-tool or cultural record.
This paper has a narrow frame of reference which renders it
largely redundant in the wider context of Pleistocene archaeology. In fact, it
was refuted before it was published.
This blog first appeared on 03/05/2014
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