Periscope streamed a live question and answer with Chris
Stringer from the National History Museum over Twitter on 26th June
this year [1].
The full video can be watched here:
Frustrated by the predictable narrative Stringer was
presenting I submitted several questions via Periscope. One of these was selected and slightly
Anticipating that Stringer would have to concede that early
Pleistocene hominins were capable of complex tasks comparable to those
undertaken by extant hominins I asked:
did hominins reach Flores 840,000 years ago if it was not by boat?”
His answer, which I did not anticipate, can be seen twenty
one minutes into the video. Here is a transcript of his response:
that’s a very good question too because we don’t know.
think that lineage arrived probably more than a million years ago on the island
of Flores. And the usual assumption is that you’d have to have boats to get there
because this island was never connected to the rest of South-East Asia there
was always deep water, but one possibility is rafting on debris.
it may seem extraordinary but of course that tsunami a few years ago in Asia,
people were found out at sea 100 miles away from where they had started, out at
sea on clumps of vegetation a week later.
this is a tectonically very active area. When you’ve got tens of thousands or
hundreds of thousands of years to play with, is it possible that the ancestors
of Homo floresiensis were in some mango swamps foraging, a tidal wave came
along and ripped that away and, somehow deposited them over on Flores? That’s a
boats, well you couldn’t exclude it but I think it is much less likely for
creatures with very small brains that are much more primitive.”
To summarise:
· Stringer suggests that given hundreds of
thousands of years the odds are more favourable that hominins populated Flores following
a freak accident(s) involving a tsunami like wave and a clump of vegetation rather
than the possibility of arriving by boat.
· He claims that their brains were very small and
more primitive in support of his proposition that boat building was beyond their
Running between Bali and Lombok is the Wallace Line - the
most important biogeographical barrier (or filter) in the world. Geologically
the islands from Lombok to the east are relatively young having only formed a
few million years ago when the Australian plate slid under the Asian plate.
They were never part of any other landmass. Evidence for Lower and Middle Pleistocene
occupation beyond the Wallace Line by hominins is not limited to Flores but
also includes three islands of Nusa Tenggara, Roti, Selatan, and Timor. The
stone tools of Flores are up to 840,000 years old. Although this had been
reported as far back as 1958 it has only been in recent decades that academics
have become aware of this fact due primarily to the work of Bednarik [2,3].
Small brains
Stringer seems to imply that the so-called Hobbit arrived on
Flores in its small size rather than as a result of insular dwarfism. Ignoring
this lapse in thinking and giving Stringer the benefit of doubt we will assume
here that he refers to the small brain volume of Homo erectus one million years
Perhaps Stringer is unaware that modern aborigines’ brain
volumes are comparable to Homo erectus. Would he suggest that they too would
not be capable of maritime colonization? How would he explain a small brained
child achieving a high IQ? The naïve idea that brain volume can be simplistically
correlated with an abstract, observer-relative and etic measure of intelligence
or cognitive ability is surely long surpassed? This one-dimensional view does
not even withstand rudimentary testing. Numerous cases reported in scientific
journals report patients with substantial parts of their brain missing being
able to function normally. Furthermore, a scientifically informed model of early
hominin evolution suggests that by the Early Pleistocene the neural
architecture that is largely responsible for moderating behaviour patterns was
already firmly in place [4–10].
Modern human brain volumes are, on average, approximately
13% smaller than so-called Neanderthals (robust hominins) living 50,000 years
ago [3,11].
Applying his “small brain” logic to his own hypothesis that Neanderthals were
cognitively inferior to ‘modern humans’ Stringer needs to explain what
evolutionary advantage would lead to robust hominins having significantly
larger brains than extant hominins if they were mostly redundant?
Floating on a mat
Stringer is not the first person to put forward the idea of
the floating vegetation mat. Regrettably, it appears that the more common (and
dare I suggest more comfortable) “assumption” of some academics in the fields
of Palaeoanthropology and Pleistocene archaeology, is the stance perpetuated by
Stringer here.
There are various problems with his theory not least of
which is that no other large land mammal has crossed the Wallace Line in this
way. If large-bodied hominins could float across on vegetation mats then many other
species could too. There are hundreds of such possible species, many of which
are far better natural swimmers than extant hominins, but none have crossed the
Wallace Line. Proboscideans have crossed the Wallace Line, but not on
vegetation mats. They are excellent swimmers and hence also maritime colonisers
More importantly perhaps, sea-narrows by their very nature cannot
be crossed simply by drifting. The passage from Bali to Flores is not simple.
It would either have been made first from Bali to Lombok and then from Lombok, to
Sumbawa, and then Komodo, or alternatively via Selatan. The distance from Bali
to Lombok would always have been at least 30km at any time during the Pleistocene.
All these crossings require watercraft, and in all cases the opposite shore line
would have been visible from departure [3].
A genetically viable
The colonisation of islands by hominins is demonstrated
throughout the Pleistocene. Skeletal evidence comes from at least nine
individuals from Sardinia, Crete, Santa Rosa, Okinawa and also several hundred
from Australia. The settlement of over 20 islands known so far points to a long
tradition of sea-faring during this period. The maximal distances crossed can
be seen to increase steadily over the course of time culminating in crossings
over 200km by 50-60,000 years ago [2,3].
However, the most damning indictment of Stringer’s theory is
that it does not account for population viability. It requires more than a few
chance survivors of a tsunami to establish a viable breeding population on an
island. It would require many reproductively viable males and females to found
and sustain a population of sufficient genetic diversity to prevent collapse
within several generations. At this point it becomes fully apparent that the “floating
vegetation mat theory” sinks against the odds.
Even if we suppose that the extraordinary situation of a
tsunami occurred in this region on multiple occasions during the Pleistocene,
contra Stringer, the depth of time (“hundreds of thousands of years to play
with”) only increases the statistical odds against the possibility that such unlikely
events may have overlapped sufficiently to supply the island with enough
genetic diversity over time to sustain a breeding population.
The transportation of sufficient numbers of Pleistocene
people to colonise the island of Flores 840,000 years ago is very unlikely to
have occurred by a freak accident involving a tidal wave and a vegetation mat.
In fact, the colonisation of islands beyond the Wallace Line serve as one of
the few reliable objective technological indices by which the capacity for
innovation and creativity in hominins may be ascertained with some certainty
during the Pleistocene.
Stringer has portrayed an extremely unlikely, and unsupported,
scenario as more probable than the well supported case for maritime exploration
and colonisation. The question is why? The answer lies in the teleological
narrative for “modern humans” and “modern human behaviour” Stringer espouses.
Evidence which contradicts this narrative cannot be accommodated and thus has
to be rejected no matter how unlikely the alternatively proposed scenarios are.
1. Richardson, A. The
Neanderthal Within Us; #NHM_Live;.
2. Bednarik,
R. G. The maritime dispersal of Pleistocene humans. Migr. Diffus. 2002,
3, 6–33.
3. Bednarik,
R. G. The human condition; Developments in primatology; Springer: New
York, 2011; ISBN 978-1-4419-9352-6.
4. The
psychology of human behavior; Bednarik, R. G., Ed.; Nova Science
Publisher’s, Inc: Hauppauge, N.Y, 2013; ISBN 978-1-62257-901-3.
5. Hodgson,
D. The symmetry of Acheulean handaxes and cognitive evolution. J. Archaeol.
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6. Hodgson,
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7. Hodgson,
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23, 3–40.
8. Bednarik,
R. G. Beads and Cognitive Evolution. Time Mind 2008, 1,
285–317, doi:10.2752/175169708X329354.
9. Bednarik,
R. G. Hominin Mind and Creativity. In The Genesis of Creativity and the
Origin of the Human Mind; Putova, B., Ed.; Charles University in Prague,
10. Bednarik,
R. G. Doing with less: Hominin brain atrophy. HOMO - J. Comp. Hum. Biol.
2014, 65, 433–449, doi:10.1016/j.jchb.2014.06.001.
11. Henneberg,
M. Decrease of human skull size in the Holocene. Hum. Biol. 1988,
60, 395–405.
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